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Shoe Polish Making Business

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Nowadays, the working population has increased so much, even women are working, and in this corporate world esteems are growing so much. So, their need to be keep updated with the knowledge, look, fashion and many more factors. Therefore, formals are the getting their value so much in rise and it has become unwritten rule of most of the corporate to have well dressed and polished attires daily for both ladies and gents. Thus, shoe polish is become the daily consume product and because of that demand for its manufacturing is increased. Therefore, starting a shoe polish making business is best idea to run in low cost, time and efforts.


The following are the case study of the shoe polish making business:

# WOODLAND: They are the highest selling and most popular brand in India. They are among the one of the most consumed brands of shoe polish in Indian market. They manufactured variety of products in shoe polishing including different colors, sizes, patterns like spray and liquid form. They have total more than 350 stores of their brand. They are well known for their innovation, effectiveness, and high-quality standard products.


i) Strength

# Shoe polish making business is in constant demand business as due to formals regular use.

# Shoe polish manufacturing business is easy to start within less capital investment.

ii) Weakness

# Shoe polish manufacturing plant can be settled once takes time to grow and earn profit.

# Shoe polish manufacturing process is lengthy process and requires efforts to prepare.

iii) Opportunities

# Shoe polish manufacturer can sell the products online and can be set to retailers and wholesalers nearby.

# Shoe polish making business can earn huge profit huge profit by setting up small servicing shop nearby for polishing shoes free on purchase of more products.

iv) Threat

# Shoe polish making business has the threat from the local competitors.

# Shoe polish making business has the barriers in entry to global competition.


The following are the marketing plan for the shoe polish making business:

# The marketing plan for the shoe polish making business has the main step in promoting the businessstrongly. Also,the promotions to be done both in the online and offline mode as per the types of the customers mainly consumed those products.

# While in online promotions make the use of the social networking sites for the spread of the business opening and increasing online sales. Make the details available on the sites about the range and varieties offering discounts over the products.

# In offline promotion, try to visit the places were usuallycorporates and working people found, a s they are the one who mostly prefer to wear the formals and have maintenance of clean clothing. Try to convinceabout the small MSMEs business provoking and its good quality providing.

# Make the availability of the variety of theoption to the business ofdifferent sizes, color and need as per the market. Also try to make the unique products as to catch the market attention with gaining new consumers and clients.

# Try to maintain the price at the low rate for the initial stages of the business, because low price can attract the most of the middle population people and average society also, majority of these population has the consumer percentage.

# Maintain the use of the modern techniques for the making of the shoe polish and always be upgraded with the business ways, marketing principle and products quality.


The following are the points of the chain of shoe polish making business:

# Research and plan: The starting phase of the manufacturing business starts with the deep research about its market, need of the market and customers, requirement of the field, profit margin and many more related factors to the business. After the research planning need to made as per the study and research.

# Source and arrange: Hence, study work completed, there is the beginning of the exact business sources starts, as arrangement of resources like raw material, machine, tool, equipment needed, supplier for the raw material, transportation facilities etc. they are the small things that play important role in the business.

# Produce and pack: Once these all above work completed of setting down thing, their initialized the main target of the business, the manufacturing of the products with the proper testing, quality maintenance and checking, seal tight packaging.

# Transport and shipped: The finished goods are sent to the transportation unit after the completion of the packaging for the loading to the desired l0ocation and shipping to the consumers market. Also they are ready to passed to the chain of the number of distributors, wholesalers and agents, while some can be directly to delivery.

# Deliver and return: The delivery of the productsismade form the retailers to the customers, while they are delivered to online orders to particular address. Also, the seal leaked products are returned to the place.


# Manufacturing unit

# Raw materials like carbon black, naphtha, lanoline, turpentine, wax, ethylene glycol etc.

# Packaging and pressing machines for seal tight cover, printing machine for manufacturing details printing.

# Electricity supply

# Labours

# Transportation facility

# Payment options

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